What Others Say About NYSF

Thanks to you, I gained valuable work experience and equipped myself with necessary skill sets that put me ahead of my competitors. I don’t know how to thank you enough and I might ask you for more help later but if there are anything I can help you with, I will be more than happy to assist you. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

I gained valuable work experience

I just wanted to let you know that I will be signing with [a private fund] in their direct investing group. The experience last summer definitely helped a lot with obtaining interviews in this tough job market, and I got exactly what I wanted – a taste of PE before recruiting for banking for full time. Thank you very much for all your help and guidance. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

Last summer definitely helped a lot with obtaining interviews

I have to really thank you for everything you have done for me and the degree of excellence of this program (even though I’m not technically done 100 percent, I still have one more LBO to do). This has been one of the best learning experiences of my life, even when I am doing the program from abroad. This has been the best career move for me thus far, it’s incredible! The reason I have been so busy is because after updating my resume, I have been getting calls to interviews like never before, I have just completed 3 interviews in the last 10 days with one more scheduled next week. But what I really want to thank you for is the job offer that I received at an investment bank this morning back home, which I plan on taking. I will most certainly be sending as many applicants your way as possible, and I would be more than happy to be a point of contact for any jobs in the gulf region for any of the future prospective interns. I cannot thank you enough. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

Thank you for everything you have done

It was mainly to recognize and appreciate the ‘PV’ of being able to go so far in the UBS Banking Challenge here- and that your company helped me to do well in it- especially with preparing the valuation. I didn’t think it would pay dividends so soon but I’ve managed to get interviews at Corporate Finance Advisory IBD with Macquarie and Merrill Lynch this last week. In 4 hours I have first rounds with JPM! It was my dream firm 2 years ago, never really thought I’d be in this position. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

Your company helped me to do well


Just wanted to let you know that I finally got an offer at Nomura for ibd in NYC. I am still interviewing for Rothschild and Leonard Green and Partners, but am just really glad that I locked something down. That being said, thank you so much for all your help so far. I couldn’t have gotten here without your help. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

I couldn’t have gotten here without your help

(Subject: Offer from TMT Boutique) I think the title says it all. Thank you ever so much for the opportunity – it was a phenomenal experience! May the future bring you, John, Kishan, Nate , Ian and Obed plenty of success and happiness! – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

It was a phenomenal experience!

I am writing to tell you some really good news — I just got an offer from GS IBD in HK this summer! This is so exciting! I am also happy that I am having final round interviews with 6 other banks (7 incl GS: GS, MS, BX M&A, CS, Barcap, Citi, RBS) and am happy to say that I’ve had a 100% conversion rate from first rounds to final rounds. Will definitely keep you posted if more offers come rolling along! I still have yet to hear from CS and will be interviewing with BX, MS, and Barcap this week. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

I am having final round interviews with 6 other banks

I just wanted to update you on my recent job search – I recently signed with Evercore and would not have been able to snag the internship without your help and the opportunity you provided me two summers ago. Thanks so much again. I have a younger brother who is also interested in participating in the Advantage program this summer. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

I recently signed with Evercore


I was able to get an offer as an analyst with Credit Suisse IBD for Oil and Gas, as well as a couple of boutiques that a couple of my friends work at. I am also waiting to hear back from a JPMorgan’s VP in the energy group, whom I met with last month after networking with his associates last summer, he seemed pretty impressed with my modeling skills and training. Hopefully something will come of that, despite general recruitment being over. Thanks a lot for all your help last summer. – NY School of Investment Banking Graduate

I’m sure it’ll be a great success